Gofire Tries App-Based Crowdsourcing Approach to Dosage
June 12, 2019 by Jon Southurst 1 Comments //php echo $viewcount; ?>

One problem facing the cannabis-curious of all ages and reasons is dosage. How much are you supposed to take, and what’s it going to do? A company called Gofire has come up with a very 2019 attempt to solve that problem — a cartridge-based inhaler accompanied by an iPhone app.
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Reliable knowledge remains a barrier to many cannabis newcomers and potential users. And not everyone is ready to walk into a dispensary and ask face to face (sometimes even the procedure to enter the premises is daunting enough). This opens many opportunities for online sellers, particularly those who can provide information in the most convenient form possible.
Gofire Tries App-Based Crowdsourcing
According to Gofire’s site, “the app isn’t necessary, but it sure helps”. Both its pastel-colored design and desired effect search function suggest a medical focus, though the list of ailments the product treats covers a pretty broad spectrum. There’s relief from the effects of chemotherapy and arthritis, but also anxiety/depression and insomnia.
Searching returns a range of suggested products from different producers, each with a breakdown of its ingredients and effects. Like pretty much everything you can buy on the internet today, users can submit an out-of-five star rating for each.
The inhaler (vape, if you prefer) works with measured dose cartridges called “SMART cartridges”, and the idea is to use personal experiences and the app to track your dosage and its effects. Ratings and experiences are added to Gofire’s information database to hopefully help others find solutions.
Gofire’s products carry a QR code label called a “DoseCode”, and says all its products are plant-based extracts. These include the inhaler cartridges and any other ingestibles.
More Information Is Better
Cannabis Sentinel has not tried the inhaler device so has not yet been able to verify how well the system works. However, we agree that crowdsourced information and better access to data, if accurate and unfiltered, will provide an educational benefit in a world where the number of options can be baffling.
So too is a system that attempts to develop a standard for measuring doses. This could overcome some key concerns many have in trying and using cannabis for therapeutic purposes — will I accidentally take too much? What happens if I do? What should I even try?
Gofire’s reputation as a reliable source will depend a lot on users’ trust in the information, which obviously will be available off its platform as well as on it. Gathering and ranking shared experiences is, in that sense, a step in the right direction.
What’s your favorite information/data source for specific use cases? Let us know in the comments.
Images via Gofire
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Hi Jon: Would love to connect to talk more about Gofire and how we’re working to enable the prescription pad for plant-based medicines. Please drop me a note when you have a chance.